Basic Steps in Heart Rhythm Meditation
- Sit up straight and tall, in a chair.
- Place your hand on the center of your chest.
- Focus on two things: your breath and your heart. Usually it’s hard to focus on two things at the same time; the secret here is to imagine that your heart is breathing. Your heart breathes in, your heart breathes out.
These are the basic steps to begin Heart Rhythm Meditation--that's all there is to it! I recommend starting with a few minutes a day. As you become more familiar and comfortable with the practice, there are more advanced techniques that can be learned.
The classic meditation book Living from the Heart, by Puran and Susanna Bair, offers more information about the benefits and methods of Heart Rhythm Meditation:
Living from the Heart Book
For information about local and online Heart Rhythm Meditation classes, visit:
Local Heart Rhythm Classes Worldwide
Online Webcourses
Yours from the Heart,
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